Food Contact Material Testing

NLRC performs a complete range of food grade tests and identification tests on most types of food contact materials. We provide you the expertise you need to ensure the best quality and safety for your food contact products. Our testing experience and skills are proven by ENAS (Emirates National Accreditation System) & IAS (International Accreditation Service) accreditation that conforms to ISO/IEC 17025:2017.

Food Contact Material Products
The specific requirements for Food Packaging and Food Contact Materials are highly dependent on the type of materials:

We offer the following testing services for Food Contact Materials:

The analytical and technical description of the transitional tests are set out in the following EN standards:

Migration testing is usually required to demonstrate compliance of a food contact material with the applicable legislation.

We apply our experience to support your food contact packaging development from early-stage R&D to recycling and beyond, bringing quality, safety, and sustainability to life. In an increasingly complex, fast-changing world, our end-to-end Total Quality Assurance proposition helps organizations operate safely, effectively, and with complete peace of mind.

Do You Need Laboratory Testing Services For Your Products?

Connect with us instantly for quick assistance, learn more about our comprehensive testing solutions and get expert advice to meet your testing needs.